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IRS Booster Club Guidelines and What You Need to Know

While booster clubs might feel like they’re all fun and games there is a lot of rules, regulations, and guidelines set by the federal government that must be followed to a T. The IRS booster club guidelines are possibly the most important, especially with the financial nature of a booster club….

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July 23, 2019 / by / in
Delegate To Booster Club Volunteers: 20 Tasks They Should Be Handling

Booster club management is no easy task. It takes a lot of work, time and effort to manage and delegate to booster club volunteers and keep everything running smoothly. To keep from having too many chefs in the kitchen, it’s normal for only one or 2 people to be in the lead position of a booster club. Referred to as president or co-presidents. They help delegate to booster club volunteers the tasks needing completion to help with running a booster club….

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July 9, 2019 / by / in
Growing a Booster Club in the Offseason

Booster clubs are a great way for parents, students, and alumni to raise awareness, money, and support within their community for a school program. Clubs are at their busiest during the peak of the season, but how do they remain active after that? Read on for some popular ideas on growing a booster club in the offseason….

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July 2, 2019 / by / in ,
Your Booster Club Printed Materials Strategy for the Digital Age

When it comes to booster club printed materials, there’s a potential laundry list of forms and documents a booster club could create during the school year, but how much of them are truly necessary? Certainly, there are some official documents and financial reports that must be completed and printed for submission to the school board and for tax purposes. But the advent of the digital age is changing the way clubs operate making some print work obsolete….

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June 25, 2019 / by / in ,
The Best Booster Club T-Shirt Printers Online

One of the most successful fundraisers for booster clubs is selling custom t-shirts. You can find the best booster club t-shirt printers to make shirts at a low cost and then sell them to people for higher profit margins. It’s a great way to not only make a few dollars per shirt sold but to also show school spirit through the design of the shirt.

Today we’re going to look at some of the best printers for t-shirts online to help support your booster clubs fundraising efforts.

Here are some of the top online t-shirt printers and how they can help you to make your shirt selling fundraiser a success.

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June 19, 2019 / by / in ,
10 Booster Club Online Fundraising Ideas

Managing a booster club can sometimes feel like an arduous project that takes a good deal of time and resources to master. Between planning for the next school event, rallying support from the community and coordinating volunteer efforts, little time can be left for raising money to fund the actual sport or activity. Here are 10 booster club online fundraising options meant to save you time….

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June 11, 2019 / by / in ,
Best Booster Club Accounting Software for 2019

With booster clubs being a non-profit organization trying to raise money for school programs, it makes sense that you would need the best booster club accounting software to help manage your finances.

Keeping track of all of the money is much more difficult when you have so many different revenue streams or expenses. While you can simply go old-school and use paper and pencil, you could also use a hired professional bookkeeper. But neither of these options are perfect.

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June 4, 2019 / by / in
What You Need to Know About NCAA Booster Clubs

College and University NCAA booster clubs are very similar to high school booster clubs. Their goals are primarily the same. Both want to help raise money for school programs at risk of budget cuts, and both are run by volunteers. While they may have similar intentions, the way they work is notably different….

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May 28, 2019 / by / in
How To Run A Successful Booster Club Silent Auction

A Booster club silent auction is an auction that do not have an auctioneer. People place their bids by paper ballots or via an app instead. Auctioneering is a hard job and add to overall costs, so silent auctions offer a way to run an affordable auction that anyone can organize.

Silent auctions are popular with booster clubs because they build community spirit while potentially bringing in a lot of money for the club. But organizing a silent auction is no small undertaking. In this article, we will explain how to hold a silent auction and get the most out of the items you have to auction….

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May 15, 2019 / by / in ,

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