The Only Digital Platform Designed for Booster Clubs & Small Nonprofits.

Join the Booostr Beta Team!

Not only do you get FREE access to tools, but you get white-glove help getting started on our system!


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How Booostr Is Different

Not only do you get FREE access to tools, but you get white-glove help getting started on our system!

Tools Title 1

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Tools Title 1

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Benefits Title 1

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Benefits Title 1

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Get Started With Booostr - Join For FREE!

Not only do you get FREE access to tools, but you get white-glove help getting started on our system!

Want To Learn More?

Not only do you get FREE access to tools, but you get white-glove help getting started on our system!

What Is Boooster

What Is Booostr?

Booostr is a digital platform of tools and solutions designed for booster clubs and small non-profit organizations. If you are trying to start a booster club or have run a small non-profit organization for years, our platform is built to fit smaller organizational needs. Learn how our tools allow booster clubs to operate and grow more effectively.

Find Every Booster Club In America!

Do you manage or are you creating a booster club? Make sure your club is listed in the Booostr Booster Club Index to best take advantage of our search positioning and future platform tools.

Better Booster Information

Booster clubs are one of the most popular types of volunteer-run organizations in the United States. Due to continued cuts in school funding, parents and community members have taken it upon themselves to start a booster club when the need arises. Booostr is developing the necessary tools to understand and share the data of booster clubs so they can utilize the information to grow their revenue and impact.

Booostr data gathering pinpoints and describes problems that booster clubs face. Our research helps identify club strategies via information gathered from clubs nationwide. We are able to take the data we gather and translate it directly into building a better booster club platform. Our areas of data gathering include:


  • Fundraising
  • Promotions and Marketing
  • Organization Management
  • Gathering and Analyzing Public Data


We would love your club’s input!


Better Booster Tools

Digital tools focused on booster club and small non-profit organizations are scarce at best. Most booster clubs are using a patchwork of technologies that barely function together. Technology can and must do better. Booostr focuses its efforts on determining and improving the digital tools that will make the biggest impact on booster clubs’ operations. Our research has lead us to create tools focused on:

  • Searchable Online Presence (Live)
  • Content Development (Live)
  • Management Transition Tools (Alpha release Q1 2020)
  • Networking With Club Supporters (Alpha release Q1 2020)
  • Financial Management Tools (Alpha release Q2 2020)
  • Organizational Communication Tools (Alpha release Q2 2020)

Booster Club Index Explained

It is common, even in today’s technology heavy world – that a booster club may have little to no digital presence. In some cases it’s due to a lack of technical know-how, in others its due to time constraints. Because of the all-volunteer nature of booster clubs, Booostr wants to ensure that clubs of every size have a FREE place online that they can easily manage to provide the key information (who, what, when, where, why) to users looking for the club. The Booostr Booster Club index is that system to give every booster club a simple FREE online presence.

If you are starting a booster club, or you currently manage a booster club, you can easily create or claim your booster club profile on and start taking advantage of a simple solution for maintaining your booster club’s presence online.

Have more questions about your profile? Contact us to discuss our booster club network in more depth!


Learn About Booster Clubs

Considering starting a booster club in your community? Do you manage an existing club? Would you like some digital resources to assist your hard work? Booostr also provides support to booster club managers, volunteers and supporters through helpful content. From fundraising, to marketing, to management strategies, Booostr is the most comprehensive online content resource for booster clubs. Browse our blog and website for information created to help you better run your booster club.


Start A
Booster Club

Booostr has an abundance of content to help guide you when creating a new booster club. From State guidelines to start a booster club, or article topics discussing day-to-day management of your club – Booostr is your best starting point.


Booster Club Fundraising

A primary function of a booster club is raising funds for the activity the club was created to support. Fundraising can happen in many ways depending on audience, club abilities and many other factors. We understands this, and regularly publishes articles on different aspects of booster club fundraising.


Booster Club Management

Managing a booster club, like any business means overseeing multiple functions. Your management team and how it forms from your volunteers is key to your club’s success. Because boosters are unique in their all-volunteer structure, we cover a wide range of topics to optimize booster club management.


Booster Club Marketing

When marketing your booster club, it can easily become confusing. From online marketing, to offline promotions, to partnering with businesses, we know booster club marketing. With this in mind, we created content specifically to cut through the marketing noise and teach strategies to grow your club.


Booster Club Resources

No matter how well your booster club runs, there are always opportunities for improvement. Booostr continually adds article topics that dive deeper to help organizations optimize their existing strategies. Beyond articles, we regularly research and vet online resources that are helpful for booster club organizations. From booster club creation guides, to strategy discussion, to free downloads and vetted resources, Booostr helps clubs at all stages of existence.


Claim Your Booster Club Profile

Every booster club in the United States has a free profile on With over 13,000 club profiles on Booostr, your club may have a profile to claim. If your club profile is missing, it’s FREE to add it! Make sure your booster club has a free no coding needed online profile to ensure supporters can find you.


Booostr Booster Club Blog

Updated every week with helpful articles, the Booostr Blog covers topics ranging from fundraising, to marketing to club management. Make the blog a daily or weekly habit to learn new strategies and ideas that are all designed to help you grow your booster club. Start browsing today!


Start a Booster Club by State

For those just starting a booster club, we have created convenient state-by-state guides to help you avoid common pitfalls. We always recommend engaging legal counsel when setting up a business, our guides will help ensure you don’t miss a critical step along the way. Find your state guide HERE.


Booostr Favorites

Booster clubs often seek out third-party vendors for essential services. In response, Booostr created its Favorites section to showcase vetted service solutions. From web hosts, to accounting programs, to printers, and more, your club can find trusted service providers skip having to do the research.


Running a Booster Club 101

Booster club management and maintenance has a learning curve and requires dedicated time and energy. Booostr created an easy to read section to help booster clubs overcome some common hurdles. This is the starting point for those new to managing a booster club. Start learning more HERE.


Supporting A Booster Club 101

Booster club support is critical and can occur in a number of ways to positively impact any booster club. Booostr’s Supporting a Booster Club section is full of content to educate managers and supporters in the different ways their support impacts a club. Find out how you can support your club today!

Join Booostr Beta Team

By joining the free Booostr Beta Team you are helping guide the development of the tools and services that will help every booster club make an bigger positive impact within their communities. Your input is as important as the team researching and developing the tools themselves. Our growth and ability to help booster clubs is a collaborative effort and we want to be as inclusive of as many clubs as possible, Consider joining today!


Connect With Booostr