Navigation: About
AKHS MCJROTC Booster Club exists to promote positive parent and community involvement in the MCJROTC program in order to benefit the cadets. This involvement consists of the volunteer service required to foster the development of our young men and women. The Booster Club strives to embody the ideals of good citizenship and community service. We want to display the leader-ship principles and traits encouraged by the MCJROTC program by which our cadets are expected to adhere. There are many ways to participate and we would welcome your input at our meetings and/or becoming involved in any of our exciting events throughout the year. Everyone has a talent or gift that would be beneficial to the program and appreciated. We are looking forward to a great year and we hope you will consider participating in the Booster Club. The Ardrey Kell MCJROTC Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 100% tax deductible organization comprised of parents and community leaders who assist in funding the extra-curricular activities of the program. The Association organizes fundraisers and donations from individuals and businesses within our community in order to provide the funding necessary for the programs developed by the military instructors to assist these high school students in learning discipline, respect, honor, duty to Country and duty to Community. MCJROTC Booster Club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month In Lt. Col. Wint’s classroom at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about the organization and to become active members of the MCJROTC Booster Club. Without the support and efforts of the volunteer Booster Club, many activities and events could not take place. The volunteers of the Booster Club:
- Provide meals for the cadets at different events such as drill competitions, rifle matches, parades and the District Inspection.
- Produce the newsletter and the web site.
- Assist cadets in coordinating most fundraising efforts.
- Solicit tax deductible donations to help fund cadet in events such as drill, rifle, and PFT competitions as well as community service projects.
- Purchase sorely needed equipment for the cadets and military instructors that is not funded by the United States Marine Corps and the Mecklenburg County School system.
Our Leadership Team
Our Board of Directors
AKHS MCJROTC Booster Club exists to promote positive parent and community involvement in the MCJROTC program in order to benefit the cadets. This involvement consists of the volunteer service required to foster the development of our young men and women. The Booster Club strives to embody the ideals of good citizenship and community service. We want to display the leader-ship principles and traits encouraged by the MCJROTC program by which our cadets are expected to adhere. There are many ways to participate and we would welcome your input at our meetings and/or becoming involved in any of our exciting events throughout the year. Everyone has a talent or gift that would be beneficial to the program and appreciated. We are looking forward to a great year and we hope you will consider participating in the Booster Club. The Ardrey Kell MCJROTC Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 100% tax deductible organization comprised of parents and community leaders who assist in funding the extra-curricular activities of the program. The Association organizes fundraisers and donations from individuals and businesses within our community in order to provide the funding necessary for the programs developed by the military instructors to assist these high school students in learning discipline, respect, honor, duty to Country and duty to Community. MCJROTC Booster Club meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month In Lt. Col. Wint’s classroom at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about the organization and to become active members of the MCJROTC Booster Club. Without the support and efforts of the volunteer Booster Club, many activities and events could not take place. The volunteers of the Booster Club:
- Provide meals for the cadets at different events such as drill competitions, rifle matches, parades and the District Inspection.
- Produce the newsletter and the web site.
- Assist cadets in coordinating most fundraising efforts.
- Solicit tax deductible donations to help fund cadet in events such as drill, rifle, and PFT competitions as well as community service projects.
- Purchase sorely needed equipment for the cadets and military instructors that is not funded by the United States Marine Corps and the Mecklenburg County School system.
Our Campaign Goal:
Business Information
Booster Club EIN Number: Available to Leadership
Booster Club
Gross Revenue Exact Amount
$0.00Net Revenue Exact Amount
Booster Club IRS Last Date of Filing : 06/01/2017
Supported Organization: High School
Booster Club Focus
Supported Organization: High School