Apex Middle School Bands include a beginning band, intermediate band, and advanced band. We also offer a Pep Band which plays at home football games in the fall and a Jazz Band which plays during school concerts and special gatherings during the year. We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Helen Bishop to direct all of our bands.
Mission: The purpose of the Apex Middle School Band Boosters shall be to promote an interest in and appreciation of the various activities conducted by the Apex Middle School Band program. We are a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
A COVID-19 Note: This year will be challenging, but we are committed to making it memorable! Our usual band activities are being revised to accommodate for the special needs of virtual learning, but with the help of our creative and innovative supporters, this is going to be a great year. Cookie sales have been moved to the fall, with a Band-a-thon of some sort planned for the spring. Performances will be different from what we are used to, but music is meant to be shared. So make sure to practice!Donate to Band Boosters
We are always accepting donations to help support our band program. We appreciate your contributions!