Navigation: About
The purpose of the Band Boosters is to: • Foster and promote a positive image of the Alexander High School band students and band programs within the schools and the community at large; • Provide moral and financial support and service to the Alexander Local Schools Band Program; • Cooperatively support the efforts of the band directors and staff to provide students with a music education that meets the highest possible standards; • Assist Alexander School bands in achieving growth in musicianship, in performance opportunities, and in the number of students participating at all levels; and • Foster an appreciation within the Athens County Public Schools and community for the educational value of strong band programs. The primary activities of the Band Boosters are: • Promoting the involvement of parents and guardians in band-oriented activities; • Providing assistance and support to the Band Program, in consultation with the Director of Bands, in the form of services, funds, and equipment within the Band Booster’s resources, and by conducting such social or other Band-related activities as may be considered necessary and proper by the Director of Bands; • Raising supplemental funds for the needs of the Band that are not budgeted for or paid for by the school or school district; and • Assisting the Director of Bands in the logistical planning and preparation for Band performances and trips. The following officers shall be elected by, and from among, the total active membership of the Band Boosters: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer The above named Officers are to be considered The Executive Board. The Band Boosters exist as an association of its members. It is a non-profit organization. These By-Laws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Band Boosters for the regulation and management of its affairs. They are adopted for the cultural, educational and charitable purposes envisioned under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, as currently in effect or as hereafter amended. The following are basic policies of the Band Boosters: • The Band Boosters shall work with the Alexander Local Schools to provide quality education, including a quality band program, for all children. • The Band Boosters may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerning education and band programs in the furtherance of the objectives of the Band Boosters.
Our Leadership Team
Our Board of Directors
The purpose of the Band Boosters is to: • Foster and promote a positive image of the Alexander High School band students and band programs within the schools and the community at large; • Provide moral and financial support and service to the Alexander Local Schools Band Program; • Cooperatively support the efforts of the band directors and staff to provide students with a music education that meets the highest possible standards; • Assist Alexander School bands in achieving growth in musicianship, in performance opportunities, and in the number of students participating at all levels; and • Foster an appreciation within the Athens County Public Schools and community for the educational value of strong band programs. The primary activities of the Band Boosters are: • Promoting the involvement of parents and guardians in band-oriented activities; • Providing assistance and support to the Band Program, in consultation with the Director of Bands, in the form of services, funds, and equipment within the Band Booster’s resources, and by conducting such social or other Band-related activities as may be considered necessary and proper by the Director of Bands; • Raising supplemental funds for the needs of the Band that are not budgeted for or paid for by the school or school district; and • Assisting the Director of Bands in the logistical planning and preparation for Band performances and trips. The following officers shall be elected by, and from among, the total active membership of the Band Boosters: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer The above named Officers are to be considered The Executive Board. The Band Boosters exist as an association of its members. It is a non-profit organization. These By-Laws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Band Boosters for the regulation and management of its affairs. They are adopted for the cultural, educational and charitable purposes envisioned under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, as currently in effect or as hereafter amended. The following are basic policies of the Band Boosters: • The Band Boosters shall work with the Alexander Local Schools to provide quality education, including a quality band program, for all children. • The Band Boosters may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerning education and band programs in the furtherance of the objectives of the Band Boosters.
Our Campaign Goal:
Business Information
Booster Club EIN Number: Available to Leadership
Booster Club
Gross Revenue Exact Amount
$0.00Net Revenue Exact Amount
Booster Club IRS Last Date of Filing : 06/01/2017
Supported Organization: High School
Booster Club Focus
Supported Organization: High School