Booster Club Fundraising

Summer Booster Club Fundraising – Maintaining Support While School Is Out

With summer upon us and most schools letting out, your  attention needs to shift to summer booster club fundraising opportunities. Just because school is out, does not mean your booster club should shut down for the duration. It is important to consider additional ways to continue raising money and keeping the support for your booster club strong. To help continue booster club engagement, it is important to maintain and try new marketing efforts to promote and grow your summer booster club fundraising. To help your club capitalize while school is out, we have put together some summer booster club fundraising ideas….

June 26, 2018 / by / in ,
Fund Your School Music Program With A Music Booster Club

In the last decade, a large number of schools have begun struggling with budgeting, meaning that some programs and departments have had funds cut in order to preserve access to necessary academic resources. One program area that commonly has funding withdrawn is anything music related. To help support school music programs, music booster clubs have gained popularity to solicit and help manage funding for  various music programs. …

June 12, 2018 / by / in
Why Should You Become A Booster Club Volunteer?

Booster clubs have become, especially in the past few years, extremely popular across the United States. To answer the question  “What are booster clubs?” many booster clubs provide support for a variety of activities from drama to sports to academics. Booster clubs are an extremely valuable resource for communities and focuses its booster club volunteer staff on tasks like fundraising and event help. Generally, booster club volunteers focus on raising funds for different programs through the organization of events and activities that the community can take part in. A booster club is one of the most efficient and direct fund raising systems for any school department or private organization, whether it be music, arts, academics or athletics. Below, we’ve compiled a list of reasons why getting involved with a booster club based in your area would benefit not only you, but your community!…

May 8, 2018 / by / in , ,
Best Booster Club Fundraising Ideas 2018

Booster club fundraising plays a critical role in helping schools and organizations raise the money they need to purchase supplies or to make costly events a reality. Since funds are often among the top needs of programs and organizations supported by booster clubs, it comes as no surprise that good booster club fundraising ideas can make a serious difference in determining the success of booster clubs and the programs and organizations they support. Figuring out how to raise booster club donations is an important task for booster clubs, but it is not a task that is always easy. We have compiled  different ways to raise booster club donations for programs and organizations below….

April 24, 2018 / by / in
Create an Arts Booster Club To Fund School Art Programs

An arts booster club is created with the purpose of supporting the goals and activities pursued by school fine arts programs. These kinds of organizations are extremely beneficial for students through allowing them to expand their social and world view while also developing a sense of appreciation for world cultures. Art booster clubs, while usually managed by parents, should also encourage the students to volunteer as a way to help support school arts programs from a financial perspective. Below, we at Booostr have compiled a number of ways in which you can use your booster club as a means of supporting school arts programs!…

April 17, 2018 / by / in ,
Create Your Booster Club Online Fundraising System

Booster club online fundraising is a great way to make use of your booster club online presence. If your booster club has a website, or if your booster club is thinking about building a website, then you likely realize that having a it is one of the great ways to connect to your community for support. Sports booster clubs, music booster clubs, academic booster clubs… they all benefit from the extra reach a website, and raising booster club funds digitally, can give them.

Depending on the website builder platform used to create your booster club website, there may be a number of different online payment systems you could use to set up your booster club online fundraising system.  Raising booster club funds digitally is safe and will add to the revenue the booster club already raises at events. Below, you will find a few tips about collecting donations online for your booster club….

April 3, 2018 / by / in ,
Create Drama Booster Clubs For Your Drama Department

The really short answer is YES! Drama booster clubs play a key role in ensuring that the needs and requests of school drama departments are taken into account and fulfilled. From building sets to buying and creating costumes, to renting performance spaces and obtaining rights to different shows, the expenses of sustaining a school drama department is substantial. This can make it difficult for departments with limited budgets to manage on their own. To help your Drama Booster Club, has compiled a few tips below on how you might be able to successfully create and sustain your own drama booster clubs!…

March 20, 2018 / by / in ,
Selling Booster Club Merchandise Online

Selling booster club merchandise online has an enormous variety of benefits. Not only is having an online merchandise store a great way to consistently fundraise for your booster club’s focus extra-curricular activity,  but selling products like shirts, sweatpants, and hats alike allow you to publically brand your booster club and your associated school. While online sales can be a potential bonanza,  the logistics of running an online store can be a tricky process. Below, we here at have cultivated an assortment of tips that will help you to successfully create and maintain booster club online retail sales….

March 6, 2018 / by / in
Why Are Booster Clubs Important For Schools?

Financial pressure on school districts appears to be ever increasing. This means that private groups such as school booster clubs play a crucial role by supporting a school district, since their support increases a school district’s ability to offer extracurricular activities to students and to enrich students’ overall educational experience. However, when booster clubs and schools work in conjunction, they must uphold the proper level of independence from one another as separate entities….

February 27, 2018 / by / in , ,
What Does A Booster Club Do For a School?

If you have a child involved in school extra-curricular activities, chances are you have run across a Booster Club or two.  Depending on your involvement you may be asking yourself – what exactly do booster clubs do? The basic definition for booster clubs is an organization that is formed with the goal of supporting a specific department or cause, such as a sports or drama program in a school. What a booster club does, in some ways, depends on the program being supported, but generally, booster clubs strive to organize fundraising and volunteer their time in an effort to enhance the performance of their activity or extra-curricular program. Providing enthusiastic emotional support for a team or program is another purpose of a booster club, mimicking the encouragement of a parent but on a wider scale. Below, we’ve described a number of ways of how booster clubs help schools, illustrating what booster clubs do for specific programs commonly found in a learning environment!…

February 20, 2018 / by / in ,

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