Upgrade to PRO,
Access Booostr Simple Financial Tool

Booostr Simple Financial Tool For easy revenue tracking.

Access to Booostr’s simple financial management tool is a great perk of an upgraded PRO subscription.  Designed with simplicity in mind for busy booster club volunteers, our financial tool easily allows booster clubs to store their financial data in the cloud.  While our financial tool is not a comprehensive as bookkeeping system, it does offer a solution to centralize your club’s historical data which can then be exported  (CSV or Excel format) to import into bookkeeping software. As we continue to grow we will be adding new features all the while keeping a focus on sumplicity.

Benefits of Booostr Simple Financial Tool

Still not sure about the advantages of Booostr’s Simple Financial Tool? Here are key features that can help your club improve its overall productivity.

  • Bulk import formatted (CSV or Excel) financial data.

  • Centralize your financial data securely in the cloud.

  • Digitize club historical financial data in one location.

  • Easily add Revenue and Expense transactions.

  • Track donations, check payments and applicable sales tax.

  • Export financial data into CSV or Excel File.

  • Filter financial data by Revenue or Expense

  • Filter financial data by entry OR transaction year.

  • Easily share and revoke access to club leadership roles.

  • Easily pass off financial data to new leadership.

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